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Postgame Quotes: Eric Berry, Derrick Johnson and Company Spoke With the Media

Quotes from Chiefs players following Sunday's 10-3 win against the Chargers

Cornerback Marcus Peters

On Dee Ford's performance: "That's lovely. That shows the depth we have. He had some huge shoes to fill with Justin (Houston) out, but he came in and made some key plays for us and he ended the game the right way."

What was the drama like in the defensive huddle? "It's not drama, it's football. They had a two minute drill. There were plenty of times where we had that same drive in practice, it's all about how we can finish that drive up. And we finished it off with an incompletion and we got the W."

On Malcom Floyd's drop: "Miscommunication on the coverage on the backend. We had a little bit of luck on our side right there but it was a hell of a game by them and we played a hell of a game too."

Running Back Charcandrick West

Was the weather a factor? "No, that's football weather, so we just came out. The offensive and defensive lines – the defense did a great job, first off, but the offensive line did a great job of making some holes to run through and we got the win."

On winning streak: "We're trying to make history. This is a special team and I really believe that – all of us believe that."

Did you think the game would rely on the running backs? "We knew we had to do our part, but we knew as a team we had to play together. The offensive line, tight ends and receivers did a great job blocking and you see the job that the defense did so it was a team effort."

Linebacker Derrick Johnson

On last play: "Yeah, Dee Ford did a great job. It was one of those plays where you knew what you were getting. You had to play him to the flat and you're going to have to play him on the wheel route. (Danny) Woodhead's a great player, he's a mismatch for linebackers and on that play he wasn't a mismatch for Dee Ford."

Do you have any advice for Dee Ford: "Just stack the good games. Everybody knows you can do it, it's a positive pressure on him because he's a first round pick. Everybody expects him to do really good. Just – when you have opportunities like he did today, seize the moment and get better from there, there's plenty of things you can get better from. Football is never perfect, but hats off to Dee. He did a great job stepping in due to Justin Houston being hurt and he did a heck of a job."

Do you feel any responsibility to keep Dee Ford's head in the game? "Not really, he's a tough-minded guy. He puts a lot of pressure on himself because he knows his ability to rush the passer. He knows he's really good at it and very explosive. But this team this year has been about next man up, next man up. And Dee Ford really showed the definition of next man up."


Safety Eric Berry

On Dee Ford's performance: "Man, it's cool. Coach talks about the guy that steps up in the game, he has to step up and make plays. So whoever's in, they're in, and you're expected to show up. So I think he did a great job of just understanding the situations we were in and talking to Justin (Houston) and talking to Tamba (Hali). He has a lot of experience in front of him so I think he does a good job of listening to the advice that they give him."

On the last drive: "Yeah, it was man. But good thing it's not a beauty pageant. It's a football game, so stuff happens. We just have to be able to adjust and I think we did a god job of adjusting going down the stretch. They made some plays and that's going to happen sometimes, but I felt like, for the most part, everybody kept their cool and just came back the next play and tried to make another play. So I just respect that in our team."

What's it like to win a game with tough conditions? "All that stuff you're talking about we can't control. The field position and the calls sometimes could go either way, but you try not to leave it in the ref's hands, we try to handle the situation that we can handle and just go from there. But at the end of the day, it's just a little adversity so we just have to push through it as a team and understand that things like that are going to happen sometimes. Of course you try to limit your penalties, but for the most part, you just try to fight through the things that come your way."

On getting acclimated as a young player: "I would say it's always a gradual growth. Like I said, some of the things that (Dee Ford) has in place, especially with Justin (Houston) and Tamba (Hali) and then he also has a great coach in Coach (Gary) Gibbs who pretty much lets you know what's going to happen and what to expect. It's a lot of football that's been played in that room so he gives him a lot of nuggets and if you just pay attention to it, that'll help out a lot, but just in-game experience helps out a lot as well so I think that's what's been helping him too."

What did you guys say to Dee Ford at the end of the game? "He just balled. He just did a great job. And basically he just iced the game for us and he had a great game. I think he ended up with like three sacks or something like that and ended up having a PBU, so he was making plays in the run game, the pass game and on the other side of the line of scrimmage. So I just felt like he did a great job."

Do you feel like you're playing faster than you did last year? "Definitely. Last year I was also hurt, too. So I had an ankle situation, but definitely. I just try to watch a lot of film and trust in my instincts and trust in my study habits. And when it comes, just not thinking so much and just trying to make a play."

What about 2013? "Yeah, just getting comfortable in the positon. Because I move around a lot so sometimes I might be in the box, sometimes I might be back deep. It's just getting experience in all of those different situations – being in man coverage, being in zone coverage, being in the deep middle and just gradually growing and learning in those situations."

Tight End Travis Kelce

How does seven in a row sound? "It feels a lot better than it sounds. We're trying to go eight this week. Moving on to the next one."

How big of a factor did the conditions play? "I mean, a huge factor. It always does, that's just the nature of the game. You have to lock in when the weather's getting pretty bad out there, you have to lock in on the small things like tackling, catching, holding on to the ball and things like that. For the most part, you just have to go out there and play football. Both teams have to play in it, so it's nothing to complain about."

Wide Receiver Albert Wilson

On the developing relationship between him and Alex Smith: "We just go in and practice day in and day out, working on things we can get better at. Alex has been in for about 10 years and I'm able to come in as a young receiver and pick his head and see what he would like on the field. That's why that chemistry makes it good."

Do you feel like you're hitting a stride offensively right now? "Most definitely. We're definitely clicking now. I think from here on out, we're going to keep clicking."

On his first catch of the day: "Yeah, (that's) just Alex having the faith in his receivers to go out there and make a play. Coach (David) Culley preaches that, every time he gives you an opportunity to take advantage of it."

On your touchdown, was that the play that was called or was it an audible? "Yeah, Alex checked to that play at the line from the blitz they put on."

Take us through your route and how it played out. "Yeah, he checked it backside. I knew they were going to bring pressure, I had a slant route and I knew if I was going to be able to get inside that it was going to be a good play."


Linebacker Dee Ford

Can you take us through the last play of the game? "Coming into the game, we knew they liked to take advantage of Woodhead's skills in the red zone. We wanted to bracket him with good coverage and that was just communication between me and Derrick Johnson. Just be where you're supposed to be, do your job and good things happen."

When the ball was let go, did you feel like you were in good position? "Yeah, it was close but everything happens in the red zone quick and you just have to be able to react. And when you see his hands go out, make a play."

What happened when you were called for the offside penalty? "Yeah, I was trying to watch the screen and look at my last rush. Yeah, can't do that. Can't do that."

You got distracted? "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

If I told you that on the last play of the game, you'd be covering Danny Woodhead, win or lose, would you be comfortable with that? "Yes, of course. That's what the Sam position in a 3-4 linebacker (position) has to do in a 3-4 defense. You can't just be a one-trick pony, I hear that a lot. And I have great coaching, so I'm able to take what I do well – which is pass rushing – and I'm able to apply it to a complete skillset. You don't want to be a one-trick pony."

Why do you feel like you would match up well with Danny Woodhead coming out of the backfield? "Because he's a running back and I'm a linebacker. See, I don't have a choice to think about all that."

What was going through your head after the last play of the game? You kind of stayed there for a while. "Yeah, I was tired. I fell out for like three seconds. It was a great thing and it was a team win. Anybody's number could have been called at that time. I'm just glad I was able to do my job. That's what this league is. Everybody's good in this league, but it's all about doing your job."

Did you feel personal momentum in this game? "Yeah, of course. And you have to go off of that feel. You start to get a feel of the game – and I spoke on that a lot – once you experience and you get to your first sack, then there comes the second one, there comes the third one. You just have to really be aware of that scenario and really take advantage of it and do what you always do, man."

Is there a sense that this is the result of a lot of hard work and waiting and patience on your part? "Of course. And it was really a lot of focus on that first game when I came back, the last game. Had I listened to the noise, I wouldn't have been ready for any of the opportunities that I was presented now. Through last year and this year, you have to be patient. With whatever your role is, you have to fill it out. Be man enough to humble yourself and learn from two of the greatest linebackers in this league and I've been able to do some things."

Can you explain what you meant when you said 'had you listened to the noise last week? "Well, everyone said 'big game,' this is a big game. It's another game, that's the way I have to look at it. You can't put pressure on yourself. My first career start, first round draft pick, that's the scenario. You can't listen, you just have to focus, be around your players and practice hard and come to the games prepared. That's what I was happy about."

Do you feel different about where you were after this game as opposed everything else so far in your career? "No, I'm just a player that's getting better in this league, and that's what it's all about. It's all about getting better."

Was there any explanation to why you were named captain today? "You don't want me to be the captain? No, (they didn't tell me why), they just picked the captains and I celebrate and I'm the captain."

After your first sack, was that Justin Houston's celebration you were doing? "Yes, yes. And that's just me speaking to God (to) getting him back healthy. It's love. And I did Tamba's celebration, too. I just think about everything that I've been through with those two, training me and showing me everything – it all comes down to that result. And it's a beautiful thing. Tamba's standing right there in front of me. It was kind of emotional."

Did they say anything, were they proud of you? "Of course. I haven't spoken with Justin yet, but Tamba is very excited."

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