Chiefs punter Dustin Colquitt, an avid fan of Jimmy Buffett, will appear on for a live-streamed special titled "Jimmy Buffett, Live From Kansas City," which is scheduled to air before Buffett's concert at the Sprint Center on Saturday night at 7:30 p.m. CT.
During the interview, Colquitt discusses how he became a Buffett fan in the first place.
"I was first introduced to Jimmy Buffett by that crazy aunt everyone has in their family," Colquitt told the website. "I had an Aunt Mary and they had a pool in their backyard. I guess my first Jimmy Buffett experience was going over there and hearing this tropical, easy-going lifestyle of music that I never really had heard before."

For Colquitt, in addition to the music, Buffett even offers song titles he feels he can relate to.
"The first song I ever heard was 'Son of a Son of a Sailor,' and really, I'm the son of a son of a punter," he said. "My grandfather punted, my dad punted for the Steelers in the '70s and now my brother (the Denver Broncos' Britton Colquitt) and I obviously play."
Colquitt, who has previous obligations at the HK’s Hospital Benefit Golf Tournament, unfortunately will not be able to attend the concert Saturday, but intends to make sure he catches the next one.
In the interview, Colquitt shares personal stories about his first Jimmy Buffett album, his very first concert in Nashville and growing up with the music.
To watch live, visit on Saturday at 7:30 p.m. CT.