In an effort to continue improving the parking process for events at Arrowhead Stadium, the Chiefs have announced parking enhancements to be implemented for the 2016 season.
"The NFL ranks the gameday experience at Arrowhead as one of the best in the league. We are proud of our staff and our fans for the energy they bring every game," Chiefs President Mark Donovan said. "While our ratings for parking and traffic have improved after implementing a new traffic system in 2014, we believe more improvement is necessary. The additional procedures we are implementing for 2016 are designed to build on the changes made in 2014."
The most notable change for fans beginning in 2016 is the joining of two tiers of parking at the Truman Sports Complex. What used to be known as General parking (cash parking on game day) is now being combined with Red parking. The result makes Red parking the new base tier of parking at Arrowhead Stadium. By offering fewer parking pass tiers, it takes less time to sort vehicles and should keep traffic moving at a steady rate. This also incentivizes the earliest-arriving fans with spots closest to the stadium.
Other important aspects of the parking experience are outlined below with detailed descriptions in the following pages.
- Advance Purchase and Pricing
- Traffic Patterns and Flow
- Tailgating and Early Arrival
- Drop-off and Pick-up Availability
"Our operations team undertakes a difficult challenge every time we have a game, and that is to get 76,000 people into the Truman Sports Complex and Arrowhead Stadium in a safe and timely manner," Donovan said. "We will continue working hard to deliver a process that we are proud of and that ultimately delivers a better experience for Chiefs fans."
All fans can find updated parking information, including links to purchase parking, a map of the Truman Sports Complex and tailgating code of conduct at Chiefs Season Ticket Members and all Chiefs fans with questions are encouraged to contact the Chiefs Fan Experience Department at or by calling (816) 920-4237.
To continue reducing transaction times at the tollbooths and to better streamline the parking process, all fans, both Season Ticket Members and single-game purchasers, are strongly encouraged to pre-purchase parking passes. Passes will be available for pre-purchase up to four and a half hours prior to kickoff.
Data collected at Arrowhead Stadium over the past season shows that a pre-paid parking pass can move through the tollgates up to twice as fast as a vehicle paying cash, with up to 14 prepaid pass vehicles processed in one minute vs. seven cash vehicles over the same period. Pre-paid parking passes may be purchased at the Chiefs Ticket Office or at Fans have the option to pre-purchase parking passes on a full season or game-by-game basis. All parking purchases are subject to applicable fees. Pre-paid single-game (Red) parking will be $30.
Parking prices at the tollgates on gameday in 2016 will be $40 cash to incentivize purchasing in advance. The $40 cash parking fee is subject to change based on the game while the advanced purchase price of $30 is fixed, but limited. Continuing in 2016, Gate 5 will remain a pass-only gate.
2016 Season Parking Prices
- $600 Platinum (limited availability, full-season only)
- $500 Gold (limited availability, full-season only)
- $300 Red
- $700 RV/Bus
2016 Single-Game Parking Prices
- $30 Red (only pre-paid single-game parking pass option)
- $40 Cash parking on gameday (will park in closest Red lot with parking remaining)
- $70 RV/Bus
Limited quantities of premium parking passes, including Platinum (Lots M and E) and Gold (front rows of Lots B, C, D, F, G and H) are subject to availability and are sold on full-season plans only. Red parking (Lots A, J, L N, O and the remaining portions of Lots B, C, D, F, G and H) is sold on both full-season and game-by-game plans. A parking map is available at

RV and bus parking can be purchased either for a full-season for $700 or on a game-by-game basis for $70. RV/bus parking starting in the 2016 season will be parked on a first-come first-serve basis with the earliest arrivals being parked along the west side of Kauffman Stadium on Lancer Lane. After capacity is reached on Lancer Lane, RVs and buses will park along the north edge of Lot J. After Lot J reaches capacity, RVs and buses will park along the north edge of Dubiner Circle behind Kauffman Stadium.

To alleviate congestion and stop traffic from backing up onto the eastbound Interstate 70 off-ramp at Blue Ridge Cutoff, traffic on Blue Ridge Cutoff will be directed past Gate 2 and will be funneled into the Truman Sports Complex through Gates 3 and 4. Once traffic begins filling inside the complex and there is the operational need to open Gate 2 to assist with the high volume of vehicles arriving closer to kickoff, those tollgates will be opened and traffic from Blue Ridge Cutoff will be directed through Gate 2.

Once inside the tollbooths, all traffic will continue to flow in a counter-clockwise direction from all entrances, with all traffic moving to the right. Parking gate entry, type of parking pass and time of entry will determine the parking lot a vehicle will park in. Upon entering the parking lot, all vehicles will be parked in a systematic manner based on the level of parking purchased, with each vehicle being directed as close to the stadium as possible to fill the next available parking stall. This will help fill all available parking stalls and eliminate pedestrian congestion as more and more Chiefs fans arrive at the Truman Sports Complex. Individuals who wish to park multiple cars close by in the same lot must arrive through the same gate entrance at the same time in order to secure close parking spots.
Over time, Arrowhead Stadium and Chiefs fans have become world-renowned for the tailgating experience. As an organization, the Chiefs encourage tailgating but have seen a need to create a solution for greater operational efficiency. The below plan accommodates the most enthusiastic tailgaters while also providing a better parking experience to the large amount of non-tailgating fans that attend games.
There will continue to be a one-hour early arrival open parking period for Chiefs Kingdom Rewards members beginning five and a half hours prior to kickoff for fans who redeem their Chiefs Kingdom Rewards points for an Early Arrival Tailgate Pass. There is a limited number of these passes available each game. Early arrival open parking will be directed to the appropriate sections (Red or Gold) of Lots C, D, F and G. All approved grass parking locations will also be available during this time on a first-come first-serve basis. Platinum (Lots M and E) pass holders who use points to redeem an Early Arrival Tailgate Pass will be directed to their designated lot. Early Arrival Tailgate Pass holders must enter through Gate 1 or Gate 7 and will still need to have a prepaid parking pass. If they do not.
have a prepaid parking pass they will be required to pay the cash parking fee at the gate. The redemption of points for an Early Arrival Tailgate Pass on Chiefs Kingdom Rewards does not secure your parking spotA 30-minute open parking period for guests who choose not to redeem Chiefs Kingdom Rewards points will be permitted four and a half hours before kickoff and those vehicles will be directed to Lots C, D, F, G and all approved grass parking locations. Four hours prior to kickoff, open parking will end and all vehicles will be directed to the next available space in the next available lot or will be allowed to park in available, approved grass parking areas.
Open parking does not apply to full size buses or RVs as they will still have access to park in the appropriate bus/RV parking area. With the exception of Chiefs Kingdom Rewards Early Arrival Tailgate Pass guests (who must enter through Gate 1 or Gate 7), all fans should plan to enter the parking gate closest to their preferred parking lot as they have in past years.

Maintaining an aisle that is clear of tailgate equipment in order to accommodate emergency vehicles is imperative for a safe environment. To assist with this effort, all fans are asked to contain all tailgate equipment to an eight-foot area behind each parking space. In all parking lots except Lots L, M and O at the Truman Sports Complex solid yellow lines have been painted to help identify these emergency safety lanes. These lanes will still allow eight feet of tailgate space behind each parking space. Fans First staff members will also be navigating the parking lots via golf carts to provide assistance to guests.

Through a partnership with zTrip, all zTrip pass-holding vehicles have preferred access to drop off and pick up at an exclusive zTrip access point within the Truman Sports Complex. zTrip's fleet includes a number of transportation vehicles including local taxis, shuttles and limousines. zTrip riders will be dropped off and picked up on the east side of Arrowhead Stadium across from Lot A and Lot B on Red Coat Drive. More information about zTrip and the zTrip transportation experience is available at
Guests and non-zTrip transportation vehicles, including other ride-sharing services, may drop off and pick up at the Missouri Welcome Center located between Gates 1 and 2 on Blue Ridge Cutoff at no charge. After drop off, fans will walk from the Welcome Center to Arrowhead Stadium. For pick up, fans should return to the Missouri Welcome Center where they were dropped off.

To drop guests off within the complex, a non-refundable fee of the posted parking price will be charged at the tollgate or a parking pass can be purchased in advance at Private cars, non-commercial vehicles and unlicensed commercial transportation vehicles are allowed to enter any gate, except Gate 1, and pay the non-refundable fee or provide a prepaid pass. They may also enter Gate 5 with a prepaid pass.
Once guests have been dropped off, parking personnel will direct those vehicles out through Gate 7. Please follow the direction of traffic attendants.
For-hire transportation providers can pick up at the Missouri Welcome Center or drivers displaying the proper licensing may enter Gate 1 after halftime and proceed to Lot J to pick up passengers.
Guests who are in need of additional assistance with drop-off and pick-up are encouraged to contact the Chiefs Fan Experience Department at or by calling (816) 920-4237 prior to event day.