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Rookie Mini Camp Day Three Recap

Hear from coaches and players on day three of the 2014 Chiefs Rookie Mini Camp

**Head Coach Andy Reid

OPENING STATEMENT:"So, really the only injury is (Risean) Broussard. He hurt his knee. He'll be back. It's not anything he needs surgically repaired or anything. It's good to get through this camp and get a chance to work with these guys. I appreciate their effort and diligence in learning in a short period of time some new things that we're doing here. It was also good to get the guys that have been here the last couple of weeks in Phase Two, the rookies and college free agents that we had on board, a taste where they could get a few more reps with a helmet on, offense vs. defense, which they haven't been able to do in Phase Two. That's a good lead-in to Phase Three, which we're starting tomorrow. So, in Phase Three, they can have their helmet on, which is the same action we saw here in just one practice today, though. Just the one practice instead of the walk-through and then the practice. They have their helmets on and they can go offense vs. defense. I gave the veterans time off today and this past weekend, so they'll all be showing up tomorrow and ready to go.

Q:Do you know which guys will be limited physically tomorrow?
REID:"I'll get that to you tomorrow. I'll give you a report from Rick (Burkholder) tomorrow or Ted (Crews) can get it to you a little later."
Q:What is the biggest thing that jumps out to you so far from Dee Ford?
REID:"I'd tell you his quickness and athletic ability. It looks like he's really spent a lot of time learning. It's a new position for him. I think he's done a great job of jumping in the books and learning the drops and the things that you need to do with the pass coverage. That's not an easy thing with all the combination things that we do. I'm happy with what he's done there."
Q:What has Albert Wilson shown you?
REID:"I like Albert Wilson. I like his athletic ability. He's strong, I mean very strong even though he's not the tallest guy and he runs fast."
Q:What'd you think when you saw his college tape?
REID:"It's always good when you see it on tape and then they transfer it to here. You can see why he functioned so well at the college level. He transferred that here and does a nice job."
Q:What intangibles have you seen from Dee Ford?
REID:"Off the charts. He brings a lot of energy. He loves playing the game. Now, he and our quarterback have competed against each other for the last four years and they get after each other out there, so it's kind of fun to watch."
Q:Do you have a reason why you moved Larry from LT to RG?
REID:"We told him we'd work both spots with him. I'd probably tell you he is probably a little more natural at the guard spot than he is at the tackle spot, but we want to make sure he learns both."
Q:You talked about Dee Ford's speed out here against the other rookies. How do you hope it matches up against the veteran guys when they get in here?
REID:"It'll give him a little different look, but I think that quickness is going to remain. That part's not going to change. Then he'll just work his combinations against a better player, a more veteran player. But I think he'll be fine."
Q:Last year, Demetrius Harris was a basketball player. Is he a football player now?
REID:"I'll tell you he's a football player right now. I think this camp was great for him. I thought he played exceptionally well. He's so big and he's worked so stinking hard in the weight room, he's been living in there with Barry (Rubin) this offseason and you can tell. You can see he's gotten stronger."
Q:You've got a guy from your alma mater, BYU, out here. What do you like about Daniel Sorensen?
REID:"Well you said it all. He's a smart kid and a good football player. There is a whole family of Sorensens that have been good football players there. He's one of them and he sure has had a couple nice weeks here."
Q:How possible is it for an off-the-radar guy to actually make an impression on you and the coaching staff during a minicamp setting like this?
REID:"It's very possible. I would tell you the same thing about the kids that were here before the invite kids showed up, they're guys that are scrambling to make the team. The one things Dorse has done, and his guys, they've brought in a tremendous amount of competition. You see these kids that weren't with other teams that we invited to this camp as a tryout kid, and you're like 'Wow.' There's not a huge drop-off there, and there are some quality athletes who are here. I told them, I told the team, I'm hoping for the guys that leave here that you have an opportunity to either come back sometime here or hook on with somebody else."
Q:Will there be a few of these guys that you will want to sign and then you'll have to cut other players?
REID:"Actually, Will Lewis is gathering the guys up and talking to them. Will and Dorse have been talking during this practice, we wanted to get this practice in so they could see this practice – you had five evaluations here, really three because two of them were walkthroughs. They were talking and whoever they keep, they keep."
Q:So tomorrow we might see some of these guys, but others we won't?
REID:"Yeah, I don't think it's a huge number."
Q:Did you see some improvement from Laurent Duvernay-Tardif over the camp?
REID:"I did, yeah, I did. A lot of this was new for Larry. We understood that. We understood that this was going to be a jump for him. Physically we liked the things we saw. That's a position you can develop. It's going to take some time but he's very intelligent, he's a hard worker, it looks like he's a real tough kid. Those are things you like to work with on the offensive line there."

QB Aaron Murray**

Q: Did you know about Albert Wilson when you were at Georgia?
MURRAY:"I don't watch a lot of football during the season, pro or college. It's all about Georgia and getting ready for the next week, so I don't really know what's going on."
Q: What have you seen of him in the past few days? What do you think of him?
MURRAY:"Great. Very athletic and pleasant to work with. I mean, him and all the rest of the receivers are hardworking guys. Whenever you want to get extra routes with them, or throw around a little bit to get some timing, they're willing to put in the time and put in the work and make sure when we go out there in team or seven-on-seven that the routes are crisp, the timing is there and we go there and execute."
Q: Were these three days beneficial?
MURRAY:"They were huge. They really gave us a chance as rookies for it to be all about us, to get out there and get a lot of reps. The way you get better in any offense, especially at the quarterback position, is just getting reps, reps, reps, reps and reps. Repping the plays out, seeing new defenses, seeing how certain plays work against certain coverages and certain blitzes. The more reps you get the better, and like I said, this was all about us. We got a lot of reps, a lot of looks and a lot of tape to go back and study now."

LB Dee Ford

Q: What have you learned this weekend?
FORD:"The defense, that's my biggest thing is just really learning the defense and just flying around."
Q: You had your hand on the ground a couple of times and were standing up a couple of times. Is that what we can expect to see?
FORD:"Yeah, definitely. Tamba (Hali) does it a lot and Justin (Houston) does it a lot. All the rushers do it a lot. It's just all about disruption. Anything we can do to confuse the tackle, or as an upside for us, just putting your hand on the ground or standing up, you just want that freedom."
Q: Do you feel like the easy part is out of the way and now the hard part begins?
FORD:"I would never say it's easy, but tomorrow will be a different world. I'm just really trying to adapt to each situation and just really learn."
Q: How much different will your responsibilities be?
FORD:"At the end of the day, it's football and you get similar scenarios in the game. It's all about really learning those coverages and really learning what you do, because in the NFL you can't make a mistake. It's not to say we have to be perfect, but you can't make mistakes. It's not much different, but it's more of an initiative to really know what you're doing and fit into the defense."
Q: Do you have some good stories of going up against Aaron Murray in college?
FORD:"I'm going to let you Google that. Come back to me. Yeah, we had some fun. I blessed him a little bit."
Q: Coach Reid said you and Aaron Murray have been getting after it during this camp.
FORD:"Yeah, it's just part of the game. The quarterback is who I'm here to get, so we're just having a little fun."
Q: What about going up against veterans now?
FORD:"Just be consistent and trust what you do. We all work. Just believe in what you do and just be consistent. I don't want to say it's not much different, but in my mind I don't think it's harder than what it is."

Rookies finish up the final day of Rookie Mini Camp.

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