Chiefs Souper Bowl of Caring
The Souper Bowl of Caring is a national movement which encourages individuals to fight hunger and poverty in their own communities around the time of the Super Bowl by collecting money or food for people in need.
The Kansas City Chiefs participated in the Souper Bowl of Caring on Tuesday by volunteering at Harvesters for the fourth consecutive year. Chiefs staff were divided into three groups, "Soup-A-Stars!", Soup There It Is" and "I Mustache You A Question" (and of course, some members of this team sported fake mustaches).
The groups' task was to pack BackSnacks, which are backpacks full of food for low income Kansas City children to combat weekend hunger. Each group worked rapidly to complete as many BackSnacks as possible and the team that properly packed the most was declared the event's winner.
"It was a tremendous competition," Bill Chapin, Senior VP of Business Operations noted. "The competition was to really help end hunger and raise awareness about what's going on in all the different counties here in the Kansas City area."
Almost 3,000 BackSnacks were packed in an hour and fifteen minutes with at least 80 Chiefs staff members on hand.
"The Chiefs have been doing this now for four years and over that four year period, before today, the Chiefs have given us enough volunteer time for about 95,000 meals," Gail Meriweather, Chair of the Board for Harvesters commented. "Harvesters serves about 125,000 meals during the week in our 26 counties, so over that four year period the Chiefs have fed about 80% of the people that we serve, providing them with at least one meal."
Studies have shown that the BackSnacks provided by Harvesters help improve children's grades, attendance in school, health and self-esteem.
Teachers have reported that BackSnack participants' social skills significantly improve and schools have reported that discipline issues among BackSnack students were cut in half.
"The BackSnack program is very important and we got together to help raise awareness but also to help fill as many BackSnacks as possible," Chapin explained. "It was a terrific competition with all of our staff, Ambassadors, Cheerleaders, Red Coaters, a complete united team all focused on making sure we got a lot of backpacks done in an hour so we can make a difference."
Among the list of volunteers, TE Kevin Boss was also in attendance and lending a hand.
"It was a really cool event," Boss said. "Harvesters and the Chiefs teamed up to pack BackSnacks. We had over 80 Chiefs employees here so that shows a lot about the Chiefs organization. It was really cool to come out here and pack BackSnacks for the children in need of food for the weekend."
Each team contributed significantly and worked extremely hard to pack as many BackSnacks as possible. In third place was "Soup There It Is" with 883 BackSnacks, in second place was "I Mustache You A Question" with 963 BackSnacks and in first place, the team that made a huge comeback was "Soup-A-Stars" with 1,041 BackSnacks. Overall, 2,887 BackSnacks were packed in 75 minutes.
By the end of the event it was obvious how hard each team had worked, not only due to the large number of BackSnacks packed, but also through the red sweaty faces that filled the room.
"It's a lot of work goes into the entire process," Tyke Sapp, captain of the winning team commented. "By the end of the event I think every member of our team was sweaty from moving around and running to restock product. We were all just glad to be a part of this event and be able to show support for such a great community outreach group like Harvesters and represent an amazing football organization like the Chiefs."
Join the Chiefs team by hoseople locally. Let's help make a difference in Kansasklkjhlkj;lkjhoij City.

The Souper Bowl of Caring is a national movement which encourages individuals to fight hunger and poverty in their own communities around the time of the Super Bowl by collecting money or food for people in need.
The Kansas City Chiefs participated in the Souper Bowl of Caring on Tuesday by volunteering at Harvesters for the fourth consecutive year. The Chiefs Community Caring Team was divided into three groups, "Soup-A-Stars!", "Soup There It Is" and "I Mustache You A Question" (and of course, some members of this team sported fake mustaches).
The groups' task was to pack BackSnacks, which are backpacks full of food for low income Kansas City children to combat weekend hunger. Each group worked rapidly to complete as many BackSnacks as possible and the team that properly packed the most was declared the event's winner.
"It was a tremendous competition," Bill Chapin, Senior VP of Business Operations noted. "The competition was to really help end hunger and raise awareness about what's going on in all the different counties here in the Kansas City area."
Almost 3,000 BackSnacks were packed in an hour and fifteen minutes with at least 80 Chiefs staff members on hand.
"The Chiefs have been doing this now for four years and over that four year period, before today, the Chiefs have given us enough volunteer time for about 95,000 meals," Gail Meriweather, Chair of the Board for Harvesters commented. "Harvesters serves about 125,000 meals during the week in our 26 counties, so over that four year period the Chiefs have fed about 80% of the people that we serve, providing them with at least one meal."
Studies have shown that the BackSnacks provided by Harvesters help improve children's grades, attendance in school, health and self-esteem.
Teachers have reported that BackSnack participants' social skills were significantly improved and schools have reported that discipline issues among BackSnack students were cut in half.
"The BackSnack program is very important and we got together to help raise awareness but also to help fill as many BackSnacks as possible," Chapin explained. "It was a terrific competition with all of our staff, Ambassadors, Cheerleaders, Red Coaters, a complete united team all focused on making sure we got a lot of backpacks done in an hour so we can make a difference."
Among the list of volunteers, TE Kevin Boss was also in attendance and lending a hand.
"It was a really cool event," Boss said. "Harvesters and the Chiefs teamed up to pack BackSnacks. We had over 80 Chiefs employees here so that shows a lot about the Chiefs organization. It was really cool to come out here and pack BackSnacks for the children in need of food for the weekend."
Each team contributed significantly and worked extremely hard to pack as many BackSnacks as possible. In third place was "Soup There It Is" with 883 BackSnacks, in second place was "I Mustache You A Question" with 963 BackSnacks and in first place, the team that made a huge comeback was "Soup-A-Stars" with 1,041 BackSnacks. Overall, 2,887 BackSnacks were packed in 75 minutes.
By the end of the event it was obvious how hard each team had worked, not only due to the large number of BackSnacks packed, but also through the red sweaty faces that filled the room.
"It's a lot of work goes into the entire process," Tyke Sapp, captain of the winning team commented. "By the end of the event I think every member of our team was sweaty from moving around and running to restock product. We were all just glad to be a part of this event and be able to show support for such a great community outreach group like Harvesters and represent an amazing football organization like the Chiefs."
Join the Chiefs team by hosting a food drive at your Super Bowl watch party this weekend or visit and donate to the Chiefs Souper Bowl of Caring virtual food drive. Every $1 donated feeds five hungry people locally. Let's help make a difference in Kansas City.