The Chiefs Community Caring Team, including Chiefs staff members, Ambassadors, Red Coaters, KC Wolf and Chiefs Cheerleaders, participated in the Souper Bowl of Caring at Harvesters on Tuesday for the fifth consecutive year.
"The Souper Bowl of Caring is a national movement," Clara Cooper, President and CEO of Souper Bowl of Caring, explained. "It encourages individuals to get out in their communities and help the fight against hunger. This is an event that is centered around the time of the Super Bowl and it's extremely important. This is a great partnership between the Chiefs and Harvesters to help the Kansas City community."
Almost 100 Chiefs volunteers participated in the event on Tuesday and were divided into three groups. Each group was tasked with packing BackSnacks, which are bags of food for low-income Kansas City children to combat weekend hunger.

"It was an incredible event, which will end up really helping the Kansas City community," Chuck Castellano, Chiefs Community Relations Manager, noted. "This is not only the largest number of Chiefs volunteers we have had in the past five years but the number of BackSnacks which were packed, were record breaking."
In just an hour, with nearly 100 Chiefs members on hand, almost 4,000 BackSnacks were packed.
Not only were almost 4,000 BackSnacks packed, but this year, the Chiefs accepted canned goods before the event, which were then donated to Harvesters. In total, the Chiefs Community Caring Team made a donation of 1,179 pounds of canned goods.
"Today's efforts were tremendous," Bill Chapin, Senior VP of Business Operations, commented. "It was a terrific competition with all of our staff, Ambassadors, Cheerleaders, Red Coaters, a complete united team all focused on making sure we got a lot of BackSnacks packed in an hour so we can make a difference in Kansas City."

Studies have shown that the BackSnacks provided by Harvesters help improve children's grades, attendance in school, health and self-esteem.
Teachers have reported that BackSnack participants' social skills significantly improve and schools have reported that discipline issues among BackSnack students were cut in half.
Each team contributed significantly, packing over 1,000 BackSnacks each. In first place was Team Three with 1,437 BackSnacks, in second place was Team Two with 1,313 BackSnacks and in third place was Team One with 1,201 BackSnacks. Overall, 3951 BackSnacks were packed on Tuesday afternoon.

Chiefs fans can also contribute to the Souper Bowl of Caring by hosting a food drive at their Super Bowl watch parties or visit and donate to the Chiefs Souper Bowl of Caring virtual food drive. Every $1 donated feeds five hungry people locally. Let's help make a difference in Kansas City.
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