We all have our reasons for why we support different NFL teams. For many, love for a team comes from the hometown camaraderie, with the pride and passion for the team clearly seen throughout the city. For others, it is because a parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle's team's colors rubbed off on you. And for some, a certain player stood out, becoming someone to cheer for every Sunday.
Whatever the reason may be, holding an allegiance to a team, wearing their colors proudly, visiting their stadium and cheering them on is something special.
Kansas City Chiefs fans are some of the most spirited, dedicated and enthusiastic fans in the NFL, recently claiming the Guinness World Record for the Loudest Crowd Roar in an Outdoor Stadium. The Sea of Red floods Arrowhead Stadium every week, the smell of barbecue fills the parking lots and the Tomahawk Chop rings throughout the city.

A number of Chiefs fans have stepped forward to share why they are proud and passionate about the Chiefs through the Tony DiPardo Fan of the Year contest, which recognizes one loyal and zealous fan at the end of the season.
One dedicated fan, Kathy McPherson was nominated by her husband, Brian. Brian explained that through the battle with stage 4 breast cancer, Kathy has never missed a game. She cheers on her Chiefs through thick and thin, through sickness and health.
Another submission is from Shane Reed, who was nominated by his girlfriend, Heather. Growing up around the Houston Texans and Dallas Cowboys, Shane somehow escaped and became a Chiefs fan. Through the years and time spent in Texas, he has stuck by the Chiefs and sports his Chiefs gear proudly. Heather mentioned that Shane constantly talks of the Sea of Red, the tradition of Arrowhead Stadium and the amazing fans cheering on the Chiefs right along side of you.

Lastly, James Letzig submitted his nomination, explaining that with his father in the army, he was constantly moving. He lived in Broncos country and then Cheesehead territory, before finally moving to Missouri, where he was able to become a Chiefs Season Ticket Holder and watch his team from Arrowhead every week. While living in enemy territory, James always supported the Chiefs, celebrated Red Fridays and says there is nothing like being a Chiefs fan.
Similar to this contest, the NFL has a site for fans to submit their stories and explain why they are passionate about their teams.
Fans can submit their story through a video or with photos and words. Ten of the submissions will be selected to become short films produced by NFL Films. Five of those entries will win a trip to Super Bowl XLVIII.
The NFL has already received a number of submissions, including a few from Chiefs fans. Be sure to share your story at TogetherWeMakeFootball.com to represent the Chiefs and tell the world why you love your team!