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Photo Gallery: 2015 Blue KC Chiefs Kingdom Champions Powered by Blue KC
The Blue KC Chiefs Kingdom Champions, powered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City (Blue KC), is intended to spotlight Chiefs Kingdom Champions who make our community a better place to live, work and play.

Thursday, September 17th, 2015 | Chiefs vs. Broncos Chiefs First Pass Powered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City Chiefs Kingdom Champions: Curly Culp & Fred Williamson Pro Football Hall of Famer Curly Culp and Chiefs great Fred "The Hammer" Williamson were selected as Chiefs Kingdom Champions to honor the legendary Chiefs Super Bowl I and Super Bowl IV teams. Curly Culp played in Super Bowl I when the Chiefs took on the Packers and Fred Williamson played for the victorious Chiefs Super Bowl IV team that defeated the Minnesota Vikings 23-7.

Sunday, October 11th, 2015 | Chiefs vs. Bears Chiefs First Pass Powered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City Chiefs Kingdom Champion: Dr. Anne O'Dea Dr. Anne O'Dea was selected as a Chiefs Kingdom Champion for her ongoing work in breast cancer prevention, genetic counseling, and survivorship. Dr. O'Dea exemplifies a true Blue Cross and Blue and Blue Shield of Kansas City Chiefs Kingdom Champion.

Sunday, October 25th, 2015 | Chiefs vs. Steelers Chiefs First Pass Powered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City Chiefs Kingdom Champion: Captain Milan Rogers & Captain Dennis Barrett on behalf of John V. Mesh & Larry J. Leggio Captain Milan Rogers of the Kansas City Fire Department Truck Two and Captain Dennis Barrett of the Kansas City Fire Department Pumper Ten were selected as Chiefs Kingdom Champions in honor of fallen firefighters Larry J. Leggio and John V. Mesh. The Kansas City community lost two heroes in the line of duty serving the city we call home. Let us never forget the bravery of these two individuals and the ultimate sacrifice they made.

Sunday, November 29th, 2015 | Chiefs vs. Bills Chiefs First Pass Powered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City Chiefs Kingdom Champion: Beth Noland Beth Noland was selected as the Chiefs Kingdom Champion for her ongoing work with "Fuel Up to Play60". Beth promotes healthy eating habits and makes fitness a priority in Kansas City's youth. She exemplifies a true Blue Cross and Blue and Blue Shield of Kansas City Chiefs Kingdom Champion.

Sunday, December 13th, 2015 | Chiefs vs. Chargers Chiefs First Pass Powered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City Chiefs Kingdom Champion: Sergeant Adam Magers Sergeant Adam Magers was selected as a Chiefs Kingdom Champion for his tireless work to help eradicate suffering among our nation's veterans and first responders by using evidence-based methods to teach how they can access their own internal healing mechanisms. Sergeant Magers exemplifies a true Blue Cross and Blue and Blue Shield of Kansas City Chiefs Kingdom Champion.

Sunday, December 27th, 2015 | Chiefs vs. Browns Chiefs First Pass Powered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City Chiefs Kingdom Champion: Judy Bardwell of behalf of Chiefs Red Coaters Judy Bardwell, and her fellow Red Coaters, are Chiefs Kingdom Champions for the many hours they volunteer throughout the Kansas City community. This includes Harvesters, school reading programs, and Ronald McDonald House Charities. Judy and all Red Coaters exemplify a true Blue Cross and Blue and Blue Shield of Kansas City Chiefs Kingdom Champion.

Sunday, January 3rd, 2015 | Chiefs vs. Raiders Chiefs First Pass Powered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City Chiefs Kingdom Champion: Chris Rosburg Chris Rosburg was selected as the Chiefs Kingdom Champion for his dedication to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Kansas City and for recently being named the National Big Brother of the Year! Chris exemplifies a true Blue Cross and Blue and Blue Shield of Kansas City Chiefs Kingdom Champion.