Kansas City Chiefs Cheerleader Summer was chosen to represent the Chiefs in Hawaii during the 2014 Pro Bowl (View more photos here). She was thrilled to have the opportunity and came back with incredible stories about her trip.
Summer is a first grade teacher from Springfield, Missouri and is in her fifth year as a Chiefs Cheerleader.
When she returned from Hawaii, I sat down with her to find out how the trip went and get a behind the scenes look as to what it was like to be at the first ever Pro Bowl Draft and to cheer at the Pro Bowl game.
R: Tell me about your experience at the Pro Bowl.
S: The entire week I felt like I was a rookie all over again, but it was okay since I was in the same boat as all the other girls. We were all nervous and excited and so happy to be a part of this opportunity.

R: Did you ever dream you would be cheering at the Pro Bowl one day?
S: No, not at all. You see girls going every year and you never think it's going to be you. It's crazy and incredible that I got to be a part of this; it still hasn't sunk it yet. I feel like it was all a dream.
R: *What was your favorite part of the trip? *
S: That's a tough question. I had such a blast with all the girls and I made so many great friends throughout the week. The halftime performance was one of my favorite parts. It was pouring down rain, there was pyro, Fall Out Boy was performing, and it was incredible. It was just one of those moments were it was so overwhelming and exciting and it went by so fast. I want to go back and do it all over again.

R: *What was it like being with girls from so many different teams but coming together to perform? *
S: It was very interesting because we were all so different and each brought a different style. It was so great though that in just one week we were all able to come together and perform during the game. It was very impressive that we had all just met and then worked so well together in order to perform during the game.
R: *Tell me about performing in front of so many different fans at the Aloha Stadium. *
S: I'm used to seeing the Sea of Red in front of me, so it was a little odd seeing so many different fans and hearing them cheering for other teams. Since there was the draft people were cheering for specific players, Team Sanders, or Team Rice. I was on Team Sanders but was also cheering for the Chiefs on Team Rice. It was fun and was great to see how many Chiefs fans were there to support the team.

R: What were the practices like? Were they similar to Chiefs practices?
S: We practiced a lot. There were several days where we practiced in the morning, the afternoon and after dinner. They weren't too bad, but I think that's only because the Chiefs practices are so demanding that I was expecting it to be difficult. It was in air conditioning, but it was still exhausting because of the lack of sleep, constantly being on the go, and add the jetlag. It was an exhausting trip, but well worth it.
R: *Tell me about the draft. It was the first time for this event, what was it like? *
S: It was a blast. We got a front row seat to the draft and it was great. It reminded me a lot of the Draft Day Party we have at the Chiefs practice facility. We were put into groups and rotated throughout the event. There was a group that would dance, a group at the fan station and a group that would stand in the aisles when the players would come down. It was really fun.
R: *Overall, how was the experience? *
Overall, as cliché as it sounds, it was life changing. I had been told I was going to make some amazing connections with girls from other teams, and I really did. It was incredible meeting so many girls from different teams and the friendships that I made were fantastic. I think I learned a lot, it was very refreshing, and I think overall it was a great trip. I'm so thankful I had the opportunity to be a part of the 2014 Pro Bowl.
