They serenade the Arrowhead faithful each and every Sunday with a rhythmic explosion of sound that captures the passion of Chiefs Kingdom.
It's "Chiefs Rumble" – Kansas City's very own drumline – and their roster is set for this upcoming season.
Snares: Matt Arnet, Alex Vallar, Andy Foerschler, Andy Jackson, Jill Endaya, Ian McClaflin, Jake Taylor, Tim Albright, Tim O'Connor, Devin Schmidt, Madi Elpers, Paul Schapker, Jeremy Denham, Kyle Nealon, Jamie Haffner, Alex Braud, Graham Deckard
Tenors: Caleb Fankhauser, Bryan Hutchinson, Travis Houston, Adam Edmonds, Eric Schmitt
Basses: Kolby Koczanowski, Matt Mirsch, Nick Chance, Daniel McDill, Jack Malo, Patrick Torello, Brandon Johnson
Cymbals: Kelsey McClaflin, Drew Yarnell, Dylan Moore, Caleb White, Brooks Youngmark, Keith Langabee
Initially modeled after collegiate drumlines, Chiefs Rumble began as a way of igniting excitement amongst fans tailgating in the parking lot prior to games.
"I was contacted back in 2009 by someone in production that thought a drumline would be a cool idea," said Matt Arnet, the Rumble's Director. "I threw a team of 12 people together, we learned music and choreography in about three weeks, and then we performed at the first home game of the season. It all happened pretty quickly."
As the seasons went on, the group grew from those hasty beginnings in both size and their role on game day.
"We've continued to grow from that initial 12 and now we're up to 35 for this year," Arnet said. "We've also found new opportunities, like performing in the spirals. We're in the CommunityAmerica spiral now, where fans will line up from the bottom to the top while cheering and getting really into it."

And even outside of Arrowhead, the group's impact is still felt throughout town.
"We've gone from just having a couple performances in the community to having over 60," Arnet explained. "We have a lot of direct contact now – we were a group that was primarily at Arrowhead and now we have all this direct engagement with fans and kids."
It's fitting then that the members that make up the group represent a wide array of backgrounds.
"We have some people that perform music for a living, some that are in medical school, we have a bunch of band directors, we have people that work in tech and others that work in some of the big companies around town," Arnet said. "It's kind of a mixed bag."
That collection of individuals comes together as one once the music starts to create one of the more unique experiences in the National Football League.
"It hasn't gotten old for me. Every game is different, and that part of it has been really fun," Arnet said. "This is a way that I can stay connected to both music and to the team that I grew up loving in a unique way."