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The Kansas City Ambassadors Gala

The Kansas City Ambassadors Gala

The Kansas City Ambassadors annual Gala will take place on Thursday, May 29th at The Abbott located in Kansas City's Crossroads District. All funds raised will benefit the Police Athletic League (PAL) of Kansas City, MO. Sponsorships can be purchased using the link below.


Tony Adams as pictured on Chiefs legends photo day.

Tony Adams

Derrick Alexander

Derrick Alexander

Louie Aguiar

Louie Aguiar

Kimble Anders

Kimble Anders

Billy Baber

Billy Baber

Shawn Barber as pictured on Chiefs legends photo day.

Shawn Barber

Tim Barnett as pictured on Chiefs legends photo day.

Tim Barnett

Bobby Bell as pictured on Chiefs legends photo day.

Bobby Bell

Mike Bell

Mike Bell

Donnell Bennett

Donnell Bennett

Chris Bober

Chris Bober

Trent Bryant as pictured on Chiefs legends photo day.

Trent Bryant

Marc Boerigter

Marc Boerigter

Keith Cash

Keith Cash

Carlos Carson

Carlos Carson

Deron Cherry

Deron Cherry

Duane Clemons

Duane Clemons

Mark Collins

Mark Collins

Jerry Cornelison as pictured on Chiefs legends photo day.

Jerry Cornelison

Anthony Davis

Anthony Davis

Kendall Gammon as pictured on Chiefs legends photo day.

Kendall Gammon

Mike Garrett

Mike Garrett

Charlie Getty

Charlie Getty

as pictured on Chiefs legends photo day.

Kelly Goodburn

Leonard Griffin

Leonard Griffin

Tim Grunhard as pictured on Chiefs legends photo day.

Tim Grunhard

Tamba Hali as pictured on Chiefs legends photo day.

Tamba Hali

Dante Hall

Dante Hall

Eric Hicks

Eric Hicks

Priest Holmes

Priest Holmes

Chris Horn

Chris Horn

Danan Hughes

Danan Hughes

Ken (Fuzzy) Kremer as pictured on Chiefs legends photo day.

Ken Kremer

Dave Lindstrom as pictured on Chiefs legends photo day.

Dave Lindstrom

Kevin Lockett as pictured on Chiefs legends photo day.

Kevin Lockett

John Lohmeyer as pictured on Chiefs legends photo day.

John Lohmeyer

Bill Mass as pictured on Chiefs legends photo day.

Bill Maas

Larry Marshall as pictured on Chiefs legends photo day.

Larry Marshall

Mike Maslowski

Mike Maslowski

Curtis McClinton

Curtis McClinton

Jon McGraw

Jon McGraw

Ted McKnight as pictured on Chiefs legends photo day.

Ted McKnight

Sylvester Morris

Sylvester Morris

Christian Okoye

Christian Okoye

Dezman Moses as pictured on Chiefs legends photo day.

Dezman Moses

Stephone Paige

Stephone Paige

JC Pearson as pictured on Chiefs legends photo day.

Jayice Pearson

Chris Penn as pictured on Chiefs legends photo day.

Chris Penn

Kerry Reardon

Kerry Reardon

Ricky Siglar

Ricky Siglar

Neil Smith

Neil Smith

Tony Reed as pictured on Chiefs legends photo day.

Tony Reed

Jim Rourke

Jim Rourke

Jan Stenerud

Jan Stenerud

Kansas City Chiefs Alumni

Art Still

Gary Stills

Gary Stills

Jimmy Wilkerson

Jimmy Wilkerson

Barry Word

Barry Word


Buck Buchanan (Georgia Buchanan)

Buck Buchanan (Georgia Buchanan)

Otis Taylor

Otis Taylor

